Monday, September 15, 2008

Some People never change

Today started out great, a beautiful day, and i was able to relax in the bed with my fiance until she went off to work. My daughter woke me up early to fix her some cereal. As i turned on some cartoons to keep my daughter entertained, I was disturbed by the sight of my fiance's cat vomit on the carpet. If there is 1 thing i hate its vomit. So im up early in the morning scrubbing vomit off the floor. Finally done... back to bed next to my lady. Time passes take lady to work. Get home and turn on the game, Redskins vs Saints. We having problems with cable so I couldnt enjoy game. Anyway Redskins won. Time now a little after 4, about time for me to take daughter home. Call my irresponsible baby mom. Same Story different day she stuck somewhere and cant find a ride home. I hear the same excuse every freaking Sunday. Anyway I try not to overreact I still have until 10 before I pick my fiance up from work. tick tock tick tock 4 turns to 5, 5 turns to 6. Its now 10pm. I call baby moms, to hear same bs excuse. Shes waiting on her ride. So i get my lady and drive to my moms house, to shorten the drive to my baby moms house. 1100 Im still hearing the same excuse. I mean its Sunday night, why arent you home getting your kids fed and stuff together for school and daycare. Some people dont understand the meaning of priorities. What can I say my mom warned me. Im trying to stay calm, but i cant say about my fiance. She's trying hard to stay out of it. I know 1 day she gonna get fed up and speak her mind. In the end, y daughter gets drop off at 1 in the morning. We pull to the house she outside conversing with her "friends" while her child and some other kid is playing outside, like its a sunny saturday evening. WTF!!!!!!!! What parent have their child playing outside so late in the morning. I really think its time for me to takemy child away from her, im afraid if dont she will ruin my childs future. When me and my fiance first started dating, she said something to me that played apart in me choosing her to be my future wife. Would i want my daughter to be like her mother? Hell MF'N NO!!!!!!! My mom warned me, I shouldve listened. Now i have to deal with this sorry excuse for a mother for another decade or so. WHAT AM I TO DO????? I home at 2 in the morning. Time is lost. QT with my lady is lost.

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